The flight that never was…
You know the feelings. The ones that you have when you have an upcoming trip/vacation. You are excited to go, and are counting down the days. Looking forward to the departure date.
Well, we were exactly that. We even had a chalkboard that we used to count downto the final day! As corny as that sounds, that is what we did:)
The final day arrived and we were more or less packed. Matisse and Alvin all set to do. Mom, her cool, calm and collected composure. Me, about the same.
We hopped in the car to head off to the airport. We arrive at about 2:30PM, and parked the car. We noted the exact location, so when we come back form our trip, we’d more easily find the car.
We arrived at check in, and and with so few people, we breezed through. Wed quickly sped through the area where they scanned us and our bags. Simple. American border crossing, only about 60-70 people were ahead of us. We were happy! Not a long wait. We got through there in maybe 15 minutes. Yes!!!
We were inside the airport. We can relax and just let time go by while we wait for the plane. We decided to have a celebatory meal at Houstons. Nice bar and grill sort of restaurant. It was pretty good.
When we were almost done, Myrtelle got an unexpected email from Air Canada. Yikes! The flight was cancelled!!!! These happened justr before 5PM. Our flight was for 6:30PM.
No details on what was to follow. We were expecting a follow up email to let su know hwo we woudl eb recheduled. Over an hour later, no news. I decided to go ask the lady at the air canada counter at our departure gate. After she was finished helping someone, she basically said that she could nto help me, an dpointed off to a departure gate down the hallway, that was for customer service.
Once there, the line was 50-60 people long.We hopped in line and it was about 6:30PM.
Over an hour later, and not even half of the others had been served. WE did eventually get another email from Air Canada, a little after 8PM. They had rescheduled us in 2 days time, but not on a direct flight., arriving 2 hours later. Good thing, we no longer had to wait in line. Bad thing, we lost two days from our planned vacation. WE decided to have a mini staycation, and have some fun.
We went home to start our next fun filled two days!
Posted in Uncategorized by Joseph